December 9, 1975

The front page article Moineddin refers to in the next letter was from the Independent Journal in San Rafael. It appeared Saturday, December 6, 1975, and was actually titled “Harvesting the grass in Marin.” It opened by describing the backyard gardening efforts of Jim and Mary who were cultivating marijuana for economic reasons. An ounce of grass in 1975 cost $30, and the enterprising gardeners, who smoked two ounces a month, proudly reported they denied the Mexican mafia $600 a year through their efforts.

Moineddin opens the letter with a description of a seminar in Seattle that he recently led, and closes with an invitation to attend Leader’s Seminar. He speaks about his exhaustion and personal energy going flat. With the knowledge gained from hindsight, one can, perhaps, take his report as a preview of serious health problems not too far in the future.

Sikander, mentioned in connection with the leader’s meeting, was Pir Vilayat’s secretary.


December 9, 1975

Dear Mansur, Beloved One of God,

As-salaam aleikhum! Just returned from giving a 2-day seminar in Seattle, very well received. The people there (some 65 attended the seminar) are very open, so open that it was like walking thru open doors every time a new practice was given. By the time we had worked up to Tassawuri Jesus it was like the room was full of Christs or at least disciples. Praise be to God for blowing away the dust of self-consciousness!

However, experience is always the best tacher. That first day was so intense that the following day was almost anticlimactic. My own energy was rebounding from the day before, and consequently by the day’s end I was real tired. The people seemed to be fine, but my personal energy was going flat, and I had fourteen interviews to go in the evening. Next time I’ll try and keep a better balance between the urouj and nasoul conditions, God-willing.

The enclosed article on “Growing Pot in Marin” was such a good one that I thought you would enjoy reading it. As you know, starting Jan. 1st possession of an ounce or less is only a misdemeanor—punishable by a maximum fine of $100.00. Of course, when you started treading the path toward higher consciousness, LSD was still legal! Ah, the not-so good old days*; the days of opportunity at present; and the days of opening to come!

Have you heard that there will be a Leader’s Seminar here at Hurkalya from January 14 thru the 16, with a public seminar in S.F. on the weekend of the 17 and 18? I believe Sikander will confirm this via a letter to Leaders soon. Be real nice if you could come. Housing can be arranged. Let us know.

That’s it for now,

Love and blessings of the Christmas,


* no-so-bad, either!